What do the approval flow settings do?

What do the "Allow approvers to approve their own request", "Manually approve by lowest available approvers" and "Ignore lower level approvers (Auto route)" settings do?

Linked articles:

  1. What is the difference between Automatic and Manual Approval Flow?
  2. How do I tell if my account is using Automatic or Manual Approval Flow?
  3. Where do I find the approval flow settings?
  4. How do I manage Automatic Approval Flow?
  5. How do I manage Manual Approval Flow?

What does the "Allow approvers to approve their own request" setting do?

Let's use the imagined approval route below as an example.

  • Sam (limit of 1 000) <- creates the request for the value of 500
  • Sarah (limit of 5 000)
  • Chris (limit of 10 000)

In this example, Sam will create a the request for the value of 500 which will use this approval flow above, if "Allow approvers to approve their own request" is switched on, the request will be automatically approved. If it is switched off, Sam will be removed from the chain, and the request will go to Sarah instead.

Let's use another example.

  • Sarah (limit of 1 000)
  • Sam (limit of 5 000) <- creates the request for the value of 1200
  • Chris (limit of 10 000)

In the above example, Sam will be removed from the chain if the setting is off, and it will be routed to Chris instead.

If the setting is on, they will approve once Sarah approves and it won't be routed to Chris.

This works just the same for manual approval flow.

If the setting is on, the requestor could show up in the approvers list to be selected.

If the setting is off, the requestor will not show up to be selected in the approvers list.

What does the "Ignore lower level approvers (Auto route)" setting do?

This setting only influences an Automatic Approval Flow setup.

Let's use an example request below which uses a budget with the following approvers set on it, and pretend the Ignore lower level approvers (Auto route) is switched on.

  • Dave (limit of 2000)
  • Jenn (limit of 5000)
  • Steven (limit of 100 000)

A request is sent for the value of 1200. This request will only be sent to Dave for approval.

A request is sent for the value of 2500. This request will be sent to Jenn and Steven, and skip dave.

A request is sent for the value of 5200. This request will only be sent to Steven, and skip both Dave and Jenn.

What does the "Manually approve by lowest available approvers" setting do?

This setting only influences a Manual Approval Flow setup.

Let's use an example request below, and pretend that Manually approve by the lowest available approvers is switched on.

Department: Research and Development

Approvers for this department:

  • John (limit of 1000)
  • Sarah (limit of 5000)
  • Adam (limit of 100 000)

If the request is being raised for the value of 500, the approvers list will only show John as an option for selection.

If the request is being raised for the value of 2500, the approvers list will only show Sarah as an option for selection.

If the request is being raised for the value of 25 000, the approvers list will only show Adam as an option for selection.

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