How do I manage my Manual Approval Flow?

How to set up your manual approval flow in detail, and change it.

Linked Articles:

  1. How do I tell if my account is using automatic or manual approval flow?
  2. Deeper dive into approval flow settings.

Manual Approval Flow can be fine tuned using your Employee <-> Department Allocation.

For example...

  1. Lory Slater (limit of 5000) Allocated to R&D
  2. Miha Crew (limit of 5000) Allocated to R&D
  3. Elandré Mast (limit of 5000) Allocated to all departments other then R&D
  4. Johan Batty (limit of 5000) Allocated to all departments other then R&D

There are 4 approvers all with the same approval limit. Lory and Miha are allocated to the Research and Development departments, while Elandré and Johan are allocated to all the other departments.

This means that Lory and Miha can be selected for approval for any request using any budget, as long as the request is coming from the Research and Development department.

The same is true for Elandré and Johan for departments other than Research and Development.

Brad Slater is allocated to all the departments with a very high limit, and will therefor always be available as an approver for any request regardless of the department the request comes from.

How do I change the department allocation and approval limit for my users?

  1. Click Employees on the left.
  2. Click on an employee you want to alter. You can use the search box if you want to.
  3. Click Edit Account in the top right.
  4. Change their approval limit in the Approval Limit field.
  5. Click on the Departments tab.
  6. Change the department selection in the department field.
  7. Click Save at the bottom.

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