How to determine if my account is using automatic or manual approval flow?

How do I check if my account is using an automatic approval flow, or the manual one?

Linked Articles:

  1. What is the difference between Automatic and Manual Approval Flow?

Follow these steps to determine your approval flow type.

  1. Click on Budgets in the left navigation bar and then click on Actions -> Export Active Budgets.
  2. Download the exported budgets file and open it in your choice of spreadsheet software
  3. Each row represents a budget on your account which also has a unique identifier shown in the first "id" column. Approvers are set on a per budget basis using the email of the user on your account, using commas to separate multiple users. If all the budget lines have at least one approver email present, that means your account is set up for automatic approval flow as you can see above.
  4. If none of your budget lines have any approver set as you can see below, that means your account is set up for manual approval flow.

If you find that some budgets here have a blank space for the approvers, while some budgets do have approvers set, that means you have a mix of manual and automatic approval flow.

A mixture of both approval flows can be unpredictable. Make sure to either have an approver set for every budget line for automatic approval flow, or have the approvers column completely blank for the whole spreadsheet for manual approval flow.

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