Troubleshooting the integration between and QuickBooks Online

This article seeks to assist with syncing your Purchase Orders and Invoices between and QuickBooks Online.


  • You need to have the company admin user role in order to view the QuickBooks Online Integration sync error log in
  • You need to have the Finance User Role in order to approval override purchase orders to attempt re-syncing them. You can also disable purchase orders requiring re-approval after edits while troubleshooting, and re-enable it afterwards.
  • Purchase orders and invoices in will always try to sync to QuickBooks Online when they are approved. If the purchase order is updated, and switches back to the 'Pending' status after the edit is made, it will need to be re-approved in order for a sync attempt to be triggered. Invoices will remain approved after they are edited.


1. Troubleshooting Purchase Orders

2. How do I attempt a re-sync of a purchase order?

3. Troubleshooting Invoices/Bills

4. How do I attempt a re-sync of an invoice? 


How do I tell which Purchase Orders have not synced to QuickBooks Online?

On the Purchase Orders list, click on Filter, and select Synced With QuickBooks Online: No, and apply the filter.

The list of approved purchase orders will update to only show the purchase orders that have not synced to QuickBooks Online.

In addition, on each purchase order, there is a field that will show you whether the purchase order synced to QuickBooks Online or not. The purchase order did not sync if the field reads 'Not Set' or does not have a button to open it in QuickBooks Online.

If the purchase order has synced, you will see a button to open the purchase order in QuickBooks Online, and the QuickBooks Online Status field will contain either 'Open' or 'Closed'

How do trigger a re-sync attempt of the Purchase Order?

  1. Go to the purchase order in question
  2. Select Actions
  3. Select Edit
  4. Click on Update at the bottom of the screen
  5. If the purchase order reverts back to the pending status after editing, use Actions -> Approval Override. Alternatively, you can switch off the setting requiring PO re-approval after editing, and switch it back on afterwards to avoid using approval override. To do this, click on your Initials -> Company Settings -> Purchase Orders tab, and switch off this setting:
  6. After updating or approval overriding, wait 2 or 3 seconds and refresh the page. If you see the 'Open the QuickBooks Online' button appear, it means the purchase order synced. If not, there was an error. Please check the QuickBooks Online error logs. Click here to learn how.

How do I trigger a re-sync attempt of an invoice?

Make sure the invoice is in the Approved or Ready to Pay status.

  1. On the invoice, click on Actions
  2. Click on Edit
  3. Do not change anything
  4. Click on Save at the bottom of the screen
  5. On the next page, wait 2 - 3 seconds and then refresh the page
  6. If you see an 'Open in QuickBooks Online' button on the invoice, that means the invoice has synced. If there is no button, please check the QuickBooks Online error logs in, click here to learn how.

Why did my Purchase Order not sync to QuickBooks Online?

Ensure that none of the line items on the purchase order are associated with an Accounts Payable or Receivable account. These accounts are not available for purchase orders in QuickBooks Online. To resolve this, use Actions -> Edit on the purchase order and choose a more appropriate account. Once done, hit update at the bottom.

The purchase order is not using an Accounts Payable or Receivable account, but it still did not sync to QuickBooks Online.

Trigger a re-sync attempt of the purchase order. Click here to see how to trigger a re-sync attempt. If the re-sync attempt was unsuccessful, have a look at the error logs. Click here to learn how.

I attempted to re-sync the purchase order or invoice, but it was unsuccessful? Check the error logs.

  1. Click on your Initials in the top right corner
  2. Click on Integrations
  3. Click on Settings for QuickBooks Online
  4. Open the Logs tab to view the QuickBooks Online error log. The top-most error log will be related to the purchase order or invoice you tried to re-sync most recently.

1. The error has to do with a duplicate vendor existing in QuickBooks Online

2. The error has something to do with a 'names element' being missing

3. The error has something to do with adding a purchase order that was created before this transaction

4. The error has something to do with not being able to add a link to an existing line and having to create the link to a new line

5. The error does not make sense at all

There is a duplicate vendor in QuickBooks Online

In, change the name of the supplier being used on the purchase order in question, and add a period '.' (or change the name in any way) to the end of the supplier name and click save.

  1. Click on the supplier on the purchase order.
  2. Click on Edit
  3. Add a period to the end of the supplier name
  4. Click on Save at the bottom
  5. Verify that the vendor now exists in QuickBooks Online with the period (or the new name you provided) on the end of the name
  6. Go to the purchase order in
  7. Click on Actions
  8. Click on Edit
  9. Do not change anything
  10. Click on Update at the bottom
  11. Approval Override the purchase order if it switched back to the pending status. Wait for 2 or 3 seconds and refresh the page to verify if the purchase order synced.

From here, you may want to clean up the vendor in QuickBooks Online

  1. Edit the vendor in QuickBooks Online that does not have the period on the end of its name, and add 'QuickBooks Online' to the end of the vendor name
  2. This should result in a supplier being created in with that same name with 'QuickBooks Online' on the end
  3. You now have two suppliers/vendors in each system, one with the period on the end of the name, and another with 'QuickBooks Online' on the end of its name
  4. From within QuickBooks Online, decide which vendor you want to keep, and remove the period or 'QuickBooks Online' from the end of the its name.
  5. Disable or make in-active the other duplicate vendor.
  6. You now have one single vendor that is linked in both systems and you can use it to create purchase orders in which will sync to QuickBooks Online

The vendor is Archived / In-active

Check if the supplier that is used on the purchase order is active and not archived in
To do this, click on the Suppliers on the left and then the archived tab and search for that supplier.

If the supplier/vendor is not in this archived tab, it may be a duplicate in QuickBooks Online. Click here to learn how to resolve duplicate vendors.

If it is archived, you can re-activate the vendor from within QuickBooks Online. Once it has been re-activated, check if the vendor is now listed as an active vendor in

Once you have re-activated the vendor from QuickBooks Online, attempt to trigger a re-sync of the purchase order. Click here to learn how to re-sync a purchase order.

Troubleshooting Invoice <-> Bill sync.


  • Invoices will attempt to sync to QuickBooks Online as bills when the invoice is approved. Pending/Outstanding invoices do not sync to QuickBooks Online. Invoices do not revert back to the pending status after editing them.
  • The purchase order date in QuickBooks Online will be the date which the purchase order was approved on in

If there is an open in QuickBooks Online button present on the invoice, that indicates it has synced to QuickBooks Online, if you do not see this button on an approved invoice, it indicates that it has not synced. 

Invoice Issue Date

Check the selected invoice issue date on the invoice in question and verify that it is either on the same day or later than the purchase order date in QuickBooks Online.

If the invoice issue date is before the purchase order date in QuickBooks Online, either edit the issue date on the invoice and select a later date or edit the purchase order date in QuickBooks Online and make sure it is on the same date or before the invoice issue date.

If you choose to edit the purchase order date in QuickBooks Online, remember to attempt to re-sync the invoice afterwards. Click here to learn how to trigger a sync attempt for invoices.

There is a duplicate invoice reference being used.

If you have attempted a re-sync of the invoice, and the error has something to do with not being able to add a link to an already existing line, it means there is a bill that already exists in QuickBooks Online which has the same bill number as the invoice reference your are trying to sync. There is a setting in QuickBooks Online which will allow you to get around this.

  1. In QuickBooks Online, click on the Settings Cog
  2. Click Advanced on the left
  3. Scroll down to see Other Preferences
  4. Set 'Warn me when I enter a bill number that's already been used for that vendor' to 'Off'
  5. Once this is done, you can re-attempt the invoice sync

If the errors you are encountering are not covered in this article, please do not hesitate to reach out to for assistance or use the support chat in the bottom right corner of the screen on our web pages.

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